Updated on February 7, 2002

Harbour Binaries 4.05 (Updated February 7, 2002)

This package contains binary files of Harbour Compiler which were compiled using Borland C++ version 5.5.1
Flags used to compile obj files : -tWM -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_STACK_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -d -a8 -OS -O2 -5 -c
Click here for ChangeLog since last upload. Archive of Old ChangeLog is also available.

Harbour Binaries 4.05 (Updated February 7, 2002)

This package contains binary files of Harbour Compiler which were compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Flags used to compile obj files : /MT /G6 /Ox /GA /DWIN32 /DHB_API_MACROS /DHB_STACK_MACROS /DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF /TP /W3 /nologo /c
Click here for ChangeLog since last upload. Archive of Old ChangeLog is also available.

xHarbour Binaries 1.04 (Updated February 7, 2002)

This package contains binary files of xHarbour Compiler which were compiled using Borland C++ version 5.5.1
Flags used to compile obj files : -tWM -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_STACK_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -d -a8 -OS -O2 -5 -c
Click here for ChangeLog since last upload. 

xHarbour Binaries 1.04 (Updated February 7, 2002)

This package contains binary files of xHarbour Compiler which were compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Flags used to compile obj files : /MT /G6 /Ox /GA /DWIN32 /DHB_API_MACROS /DHB_STACK_MACROS /DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF /TP /W3 /nologo /c
Click here for ChangeLog since last upload. 

Patch Application Program

The patches available above should be applied with patch.exe version 3.20 and above. If you do not have the patch application program, please download from one of the following links:

Sample Application Program

You can find samples of application program I created with Harbour by clicking the following links. These are GUI applications made with FiveWin for Harbour.

This section will be added with new samples later.

If you'd like to be notified when a new build/patch is available, please fill in the following form:
Email Address

Some browser fails to send notification form. If that is what you experience, you may send an email to harbour-binary@harbour-id.net

This Page Was Updated On February 7, 2002